Do you love your wife? Yes, you would, but hold on to the ‘Yes’ till the end of this article! Do you love a clean house? Again a ‘Yes’, but when it comes to the task of actually ‘cleaning the house’, we scramble, don’t we? (some of you may be an exception!)
Maintaining a House neat is an arduous task to our obvious eyes, yet some men don’t mind it! We leave it to our better half(!). For us, the cleaner the house, the higher the level of our pride.
Often, Women i.e., our Mum or Wife, end up with all the house cleaning work. She does it all to make us feel good at home; She cooks, washes and cleans for us, almost like a maid with no pay. She juggles caring for OUR kids, managing the household chores and is barely left with some to no time for personal work. How does she prioritize? Do you have any idea? But everyone in this world has an idea, a dream, many untold, some ignored, with little for the world to witness.
Wish my dad hired someone…
I remember someone made a snarky comment about my mum for a dirty nook and the Christmas dinner went bad during my childhood. Of course she did a perfect job. We cannot complain about such mistakes. All the hard work goes out the window when guests find one shabby shelf or a stained tile. My dad never thought about hiring help, for any cleaning, dusting or fixing, my mom did it all herself. Can’t completely blame him, he has had his hardships in office. But still, I wish my dad hired a house cleaner and gave my mum more time not just for herself, but for that is for himself too.

The scenario is much worse with women having to balance work and family. My wife is a working woman. She, after a tiring day at work, would get home to what? More work more responsibilities. The moment she steps in, she starts picking up stuff strewn over the floor, mats and sofas, tidies the room, cooks our dinner, puts the children to bed and gets back to her office work if any. Frankly, 24 hours is not enough. I did my part of the chores when I could, but later felt how hard it is!

Vicky TeohI had vowed to provide my lady all my life and I couldn’t see her work to death. The burden I could lift off her shoulders was at least the cleaning portion. Now, I have hired the services of a nearby cleaning company, and have scheduled for my house to be cleaned when required, at my time frames, at my requirements, after consulting with my wife. Imagine, if Vicky Teoh had spent her time cleaning her house then she would not have turned a billionaire.
The Human Ecosystem
Let’s not be scared of cleaning companies and their charges. It is a chain cycle between fellow humans. What we earn, has to be spent somewhere, which would be the earnings of another.

The Human Ecosystem solution for households unwilling to compromise hygiene but at the same time has neither the time nor energy required to clean the house. My mom wouldn’t have felt ashamed have my dad approached a pro cleaner for the party.
How the house cleaning company proved to be beneficial for my House and family. The number one here is the fact that they are professionals. They understood my house, the surface textures and types and used products accordingly. I realized that every surface requires a different type of chemical cleaner to remove the dust and dirt without damaging the paint job or the finish. To clean it ourselves we need to put in a lot of research on the type of chemical that is to be used, this takes a lot of time, which contradicts the purpose of this post in the first place.
- Well, they are professionals. They do this for a living and can do a better job than us.
- The odds of them overlooking the hard places to clean are pretty low.
- They know the right chemical cleaners to use.
- You can fix the time frame within which the job has to be finished.
Let your wife have time for herself, stop blaming her for slips. Not be silly, take a step forward today. Cleaning services are reasonable at present in the market, and affordable for middle-class families too.
Some nice things about my Cleaning partner
The good cleaning company I came across is ECA Extreme Clean Australia from Bayswater. They have moved to a different location now, it seems. Their local reputation urged me to hire them. They have been in this cleaning
Perks of Hiring Pros
Some nice things about my Cleaning partner
business for the last 17 years. Talking to their personnel was so pleasant. They are more of a commercial cleaning company but still, the best house cleaning company by miles as far as I know. Whoever it is, any cleaning professional, if hired would guarantee an immaculate, germ-free house, better than us, better for us.